Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reference List





Effects of Selective Logging and Shifting Cultivation on the Structure and Diversity of a Tropical Evergreen Forest in South-Eastern Mexico.AA Castro-Luna, G Castillo-Campos, and VJ Sosa

Bat diversity and abundance associated with the degree of secondary succession in a tropical forest mosaic in south-eastern Mexico.AA Castro-Luna, G Castillo-Campos

What I think can be done

I think the tropical evergreen forest of Mexico is in good conditions. I was impressed to learn that the human impact in this forest is positive. It is the agriculture and the work of humans living around the area that keep it thriving. I think agricultural work should continue being done with a normal basis so that the forest can continue to thrive and house all of the plant and animal species that it already houses. The Evergreen Forest will thrive if it is continued to be surrounded by human impact. Both its animals and vegetation will thrive.

Because humans do live in the area and are constantly living from it, articles have stated that there is a high rate of deforestation occurring. Global forest diversity is being constantly threatened by human needs. the most affected forest is the tropical rain forest (and the evergreen forest is one). There is almost a 90% loss of the forest. What keeps it going is the agricultural work done in areas where many of the vegetation has been cut down or destroyed.

For example: Positive area of Veracruz Evergreen Forest.


Then: Negative area of Veracruz Evergreen Forest:


By the images, we can see how some areas are left untamed/untouched because of regulations set on certain areas of forest, but there are also areas that are constantly used even though they are under reservation causing for deforestation. 

Unfortunitley deforestation is overpowering and experts estimate that rainforests might completely disappear within a century if we don't change what we are doing. [national geographic] "The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation."

But what is the problem with deforestation? Deforestation drives for climate change! Without trees' leaves to cover the sun, areas that were once moist and alive can become dry and very desert-like. Fewer trees also means that the greenhouse effect will increase causing for high rates of heat [GLOBAL WARMING!] causing more and plants and animals to be affected!

So what can be done?? We need to stop cutting down trees!! Most of the reasons trees are being cut are monetary reasons. It keeps the economy flowing but increases the damages we are doing to Forests around the world, not just the evergreen forest. We need to be more conscious and plant the same amount of trees we cut to keep our ecosystem at a balance!

Impact on animal species

I have been reading several articles and journals from different researchers, and as I understand it, the more that is cut and used by humans living around the area, the better. This leads to regrowth of vegetation and increases the soil worth. It also increases the diversity of certain species. For example, the article: Bat diversity and abundance associated with the degree of secondary succession in a tropical forest mosaic in south-eastern Mexico states, "...results strongly indicate that we need to
preserve the remaining areas of primary vegetation in landscapes that have been modified by human activities, to guarantee the persistence of the rare and habitat-specialist species that would otherwise be negatively affected." Therefore, this proves that human activities such as modification and agriculture indeed affect the diversity of species like bats or other birds that reside within certain Tropical evergreen Forests of Mexico. The research from this article was conducted in the Agua Blanca State Park out in Tabasco, Mexico. In this same location, selective logging occurred which tempered with the forest's vegetation. After humans interacted with the location and showed that agriculture did fix the logging actions, research for animal diversity was conducted showing that the agriculture did indeed diversify species more.

"These results support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, which states that due to the different responses of species to disturbances, a mixture of different successional stages of vegetation can promote high species diversity (Connell, 1978; Sheil & Burslem, 2003). Apparently, a matrix of mature forest with patches of secondary vegetation provides more niches for bats than intact forests do."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Impact in Tabasco

As mentioned on an earlier post, the Evergreen Forest of Mexico expands across the southern part of the country. Because it expands in more that one area, conditions are different. For this post, I will explain some of the impact occuring in the Evergreen Forest located in Tabasco, Mexico in the Agua Blanca State Park as stated by researches AA Castro-Luna, G Castillo-Campos, and VJ Sosa in their journal Effects of Selective Logging and Shifting Cultivation on the Structure and Diversity of a Tropical Evergreen Forest in South-Eastern Mexico. This area is mainly used for agricultural activities. The climate keeps itself warm and humid with rainfall surrounding it year round. In 1970, most of the forest found in Tabasco was disturbed by selective logging but was rapidly recovered by local inhabitants whom used the disturbed area for gathering and hunting which allowed for most vegetation recovery. Because of this, human impact is positive within the tropical evergreen forest found in Tabasco. Agriculture keeps vegetation alive and thriving as more is produced and production stays constant.

Places where people live that are being deforested:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Evergreen Forests found in Mexico~ General Information

The tropical evergreen forests, rainforest, found in Mexico is one of the richest and most complex forests in the world. The precipitation found in this forest (usually higher than 250cm!) allows for multiple animals to thrive in the area. So much that more than 50% of all animal and plant species live here! To add on, 75% of plants maintain their leaves all year round! Another thing that is special about this evergreen forest is that it contains a vertical stratification. It consists of five layers that layer on top of one another. The first layer consists of trees that spread and are from 30 to 40m tall. These trees tend to have small pointed leaves and become deciduous during dry windy weather. The second layer contains trees that are 25m tall which allows light to shine at the top of trees but not towards the roots. The third layer contains trees that are 20m tall. Humidity levels are high in this area. The fourth layer has a limited amount of light (about 3%) thus is where shrubs commonly grow. The fifth and last layer has very sparse plant growth because less than 1% of light strikes it. Moisture is also reduced.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Types of birds found

Birds like the Scarlet Macaw are commonly found in the Tropical Evergreen Forests of Southern Mexico. 




One of the many types of hummingbirds found in Evergreen forests.


Another type of bird found very commonly in the Evergreen forests. This one is most commonly known as a "flycatcher."


Toucan in Veracruz

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Images of Evergreen Forest

Images like these show how the Evergreen forests look in Mexico. They are very green and tropical and have a great source of water. Because of this, many types of animals are attracted to its habitat and live here. 


200cm of rain fall each year. But weather is kept humid and warm throughout the year.

Map of Tropical Evergreen Forest in Mexico

The blue color in the map that is found in the southern part of Mexico shows the areas where the Tropical Evergreen forests are most common. These forests hold accountable most forms of animal life in Mexico.

Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Yucatán: States that are part of the Tropical Evergreen Forest.